Why do I even bother watching the Grammy's anymore? I don't have a clue who 75% of these "entertainers" are!
Most of us were quick to judge Richard Sherman, weren't we? We listen to a 20 second interview done mere seconds after making the biggest play of his life and we're shocked that he's so jacked up?!
How cold has it been? I have an app on my Kindle Fire that shows fires in fireplaces along with the crackling and popping of the wood. I've been turning it on before I go to sleep hoping it gives the illusion of warmth.
I usually love the olympics, but I have a BAD feeling about terrorism with this one.
Am I the only one who gets into his/her car on these -0 mornings and pats the dash while begging my car to start??
Can't wait for February 9th to get here. No, not because of the Super Bowl (prediction, Denver 27 Seattle 20), but because "The Walking Dead" starts up again.
During this cold spell, I hope you all think of your animal friends. Just because they have fur doesn't mean they don't get cold.
I've seen it all. A jogger went by in a long-sleeved sweatshirt and SHORTS! Apparently this guy never saw Seinfeld and has no clue what "shrinkage" is.
I'm so tired of this weather, I'm even looking forward to Nascar.
Well, at least I have the upcoming elections to depress me.
I guess it's time to go to the barber. I've been cutting my own lately...with questionable results according to Jan. I just hate to pay $10 to have someone do the job in 3 minutes.
Forgive me: Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.
Ladies...don't get taken next time you have work done on your car. There is no such thing as a "muffler bearing" or "canuter valve."
Don't let the weather keep you from buying or selling a house. It can be theraputic. Anyway, that's what my buddy Eric Pedigo tells me. Call Eric if you're considering buying/selling 217-891-4049. I'm still waiting on that check Eric!
I'm really in the mood to watch, Beverly Hillbillies, Hogan's Heroes, Match Game...I'd even settle for some Gilligan's Island. Shows you how bad television is anymore.
My poor hands. They're taking a beating in this cold weather. Anyone know where I can get a warm pair of gloves in size, extra-fat??
Now we know why there is a "shortage" of propane. Propane dealers have more than DOUBLED the amount of propane exported to Europe over last year. And once again, who gets screwed? Just look in the mirror.
Just think...only 4-plus months till the NBA season ends!
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