Monday, November 25, 2013

What do you do when...

You can't get a song out of your head??

A short time ago a friend of mine put together a video of his proposal. A very sweet video that, in fact, made me cry.

The background music he used had a different affect on me. I was hooked. I had to know the name of the song and who the artist was.

I found out...

The name of the song, All my Days by Alexi Murdoch. This song had a twofold affect. Not only did I get hooked on the song, Alexi sounds a bit like, Nick Drake...whose music once I start listening to, I can't stop.

I'm sure there's a term for this affliction, but I'm sure there is one.

Hmmm, I wonder since the holiday season is upon us, if I listen to a REALLY bad Christmas song, it might cure me?!

Here goes nothing...

Yep, it worked. Now I just want to run outside and scream.


Now I know why I agree with the conceal/carry law. The way people have been driving lately makes me want to yank out a gun and shoot one of their tires so they'll get off the road and let the sane people get to their destinations!

Monday, November 18, 2013

This and that...

It's a great time of the year for many reasons...

The holidays are almost here (if you go into stores or watch tv commercials, they already are).
High school football playoffs are nearing the state championships.
You start realizing that it won't be long till you overdose on turkey.
You'll probably see family you don't see the rest of the year.
Illinois basketball.
AND....I become VERY popular with THESE people,

Yep, it never fails, right before the holiday season kicks into high gear, the credit card applications fill the mailbox offering fantastic interest rates...if I sign up now.
Why would I want a Wal-Mart credit card? I can't stand going in there now! When I go to a store to shop, the last thing I want to see are people shopping in fuzzy slippers and wearing their pajama's!
To my fellow Nascar fans, I can no longer stand it. Enough is enough already. I see now why the stands are 25% empty at most of the races.
It's Jimmie Johnson's fault! The guy just won his 6th championship in the last 8 years. I can't stand hearing how great he is. According to some, he practically walks on water.
The one good thing is I'm not alone. Many of my friends have told me that they're tired of JJ's domination as well. As one friend of mine told me, "Maybe when Nascar decides they want people back in the seats, they'll lower ticket prices and figure out how Jimmie is cheating."
I don't know if he's "cheating," but I'm done watching the JJ show.
Finally. I have a handicapped parking placard that I use on occasion. I have this because of the nerve disease that I've had for a number of years. I don't always use it because there are days when I feel pretty good and don't feel the need to use handicapped spots.
But in the last year I've had 2 people really give me crap for parking in handicapped spots. Both have said the spots are for people who, "really need them," not for "lazy" people.
I then informed both people that because of my disease my doctor signed a paper indicating that I should have a parking placard. I then told both of them that I'd give them the name of my doctor if they wish to check. If they didn't, then either apologize or move on.
Both instances made me realize, don't jump to conclusions. Things aren't always as they appear.  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Christmas music...too early??

I have to admit, I really enjoy Christmas music. I've already started listening to it, much to the chagrin of a few people.

Now, I'm interested in what Christmas music YOU guys like. I need to add to my library of songs.

The above video is, "Stille Nacht" by Manheim Steamroller. Fabulous.

So please, feel free to comment and list some of your favorites.


Thank god the, "will he or won't he" decision by Cliff Alexander about whether he comes to Illinois to play basketball, is over.

With his decision to go elsewhere, sent many Illinois fans looking for sharp objects or ledges to jump off of.

Folks, he's an 18 year old kid deciding where he's going to play basketball. Life goes on, the earth will continue to rotate, and unfortunately, bills will keep coming in the mail.

Let it go gang. It's not worth the loss of sleep or the grey hairs. Just remember, there are plenty of 16 and 17 year-olds just waiting to put you all through this emotional wringer again!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A day to be proud to bleed orange and blue.

Yesterday was the day many illini fans have been waiting for, for what seems like an eternity.  Yesterday, 3 fine young men signed on the dotted line and decided that they will play basketball for the University of Illinois.

What makes this day particularly special is the 3 young men who signed, Michael Finke, Leron Black, and Quentin Snider, are not just superb basketball players, but fine young men.

Pictured above is Michael Finke and family as Michael prepares to sign his letter of intent. Family is the main thing with all 3 of the recruits...along with their faith.

There are a couple of ways to win. You can run a slick, sleazy, program that goes out and looks for nothing but, "one-and-done" type players. Or you can go out and find quality young men as coach John Groce has, young men that realize there is more to life than just basketball.


As a huge fan of the show, The Walking Dead, naturally I look forward to Sunday evenings a great deal. To the point where I'll forego Sunday night football during the hour the Walking Dead is on.

A problem has arisen though. So far this season the story line has been about a "virus" spreading throughout the compound. While I understand it's part of the storyline, I've struggled to really get into the new season. Just not enough action for my blood I guess.

Well, at the the end of last week's episode, we see "the governor."

For those not familiar with the's your loss. If you ARE a fan of the show, you realize that, things just got a lot more interesting and the excitement level just went up a few hundred degrees!


Finally, I've decided to go on a one-man mission. I can no longer stand hearing people say, "you know, right?", "just sayin", or the word, "like" 30 times in 2 sentences.

I'm not stopping with the spoken word either. Somehow, someway, I will get people to use the words, they're, their, and there, in the correct way. While I'm at it, I'm also going to teach people how to correctly use, two, too, and to as well.

You can thank me next time you see me.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Illini off and running.

After an off season of anticipation and wonder, the University of Illinois men's basketball team finally got to take the floor and show the fans what they can expect in 2013-'14...and beyond.

Coach Groce has done a fabulous job of making the basketball program relevant again. His recruiting in just over a year and a half is being noticed throughout the NCAA.

Staying on that topic, this friday, Cliff Alexander, the #2 ranked 2014 recruit, will decide if he will go to Illinois, Kansas, or DePaul.

If Cliff comes to Illinois, the recruiting doors swing wide open. Illinois will be going after players once reserved for the Duke's, North Carolina's, Kentucky's...etc. 

It's ok to be an Illinois fan again everyone.

Away from sports...

Jan and I took a little jaunt to Abe's Hideout in Mechanicsburg for a late lunch. It was a nice drive with still plenty of color on the trees. And the food was very good.

The small town, off the beaten path places, usually are the ones that surprise you the most. If you live in or around Springfield, do yourself a favor and visit Abe's Hideout.